4 Long-Term Health Effects of Breathing Polluted Air

4 Long-Term Health Effects of Breathing Polluted Air

When it comes to evaluating air quality, many people may think more immediately about outdoor pollution—traffic smog, factory emissions, and wildfire smoke—and want it improved for their health. It’s important to consider indoor air quality too, as breathing polluted air inside your home or workplace can have serious health effects over time, from respiratory issues to heart disease.

Understanding the long-term health effects of breathing polluted air and the steps you can take to mitigate them can create a healthier, more comfortable environment for you and your family.

1. Chronic Respiratory Issues

Air pollution contains a mix of harmful particles and gases. These can include fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which is small enough to penetrate deep into your lungs. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from household products as well as dust, pet dander, mold spores, and other common allergens are also considered air pollutants.

When you inhale contaminated air, these pollutants enter your respiratory system and inflame the airways, making breathing more difficult over time. Long-term exposure to these pollutants increases the risk of chronic health problems like bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and asthma. Children, people with preexisting conditions, and older individuals are especially vulnerable to these risks.

For those living with asthma, polluted air acts as a constant irritant, triggering flare-ups that can worsen the condition. Similarly, the fine particles in polluted air can worsen symptoms for those with allergies or sinus issues, leaving them perpetually uncomfortable in their homes.

2. Impact on Heart Health

Research links long-term exposure to particulate matter with an increased risk of heart disease. Pollutants can enter the bloodstream, which can lead to inflammation and narrow blood vessels. As a result, people may experience higher blood pressure and an elevated risk of stroke and heart attacks.

3. Cognitive and Mental Health Risks

Studies also show that consistent exposure to air pollution can impair mental health by contributing to cognitive decline, memory problems, anxiety, depression, and heightened stress levels. Further, older individuals have an increased chance of developing dementia.

4. Immune System Suppression

The constant presence of irritants in the air makes your body work harder to ward off illnesses. Over time, these irritants take a toll on your health, leaving you susceptible to frequent colds, respiratory infections, or fatigue.

Use HEPA Filtration To Facilitate the Flow of Cleaner Air

4 Long-Term Health Effects of Breathing Polluted Air

Since poor ventilation, outdoor air quality, and high humidity can contribute to indoor pollution, take proactive measures that target pollutants while filtering out harmful particles circulating in the air.

One of the most effective tools for improving indoor air is a system equipped with high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. HEPA filters can get rid of 99.97 percent of the pollutants in the air that are 0.3 microns. HEPA filters are rated at what percentage they filter 0.3-micron particles because those are the most difficult to capture. They are the smallest particle that travels in a straight line.

Particles that are larger are easily caught in the HEPA fibers at an even higher rate, and particles that are smaller are also captured at a high rate because they zigzag around in a process called diffusion, getting caught in the fibers. HEPA filters are excellent at capturing PM2.5, dust, pollen, mold, and even bacteria and viruses.

Compare this to traditional air filters that usually only trap larger particles and fail to catch microscopic contaminants.

You can buy HEPA filters in standalone air purifiers or integrate them into existing HVAC systems if they’re designed to utilize HEPA filters. Some HVAC systems can handle them, but others cannot (and improper use will shorten their life), so check your system before using HEPA filters in the HVAC system. When choosing a filter and air purifier, go for efficient, robust products designed to capture large amounts of harmful particulate matter and other pollutants.

Take air quality management to the next level and acquire a system from a reputable air purifier distributor that’s an industry leader in improving air quality, such as Smarter HEPA. In just a single pass, our HEPA filters catch nearly all airborne pollutants. Plus, you can implement an activated carbon filter for targeting and reducing formaldehyde, smoke, radon, and other VOCs.

Our cost-effective air purifiers and filters are ideal for households with family members of all ages, including young children and older adults who are more sensitive to airborne pollutants. With the capacity to remove irritants in real time, our systems help you create an environment where everyone can breathe easier and stay healthier.

Health and Comfort Benefits of Cleaner Air

The advantages of improving indoor air quality are immediate and long-lasting. Cleaner air reduces the risk of chronic health issues, from lung diseases to cardiovascular complications. Families can expect fewer allergy attacks, less respiratory discomfort, and even better sleep, as fresh, clean air helps your body relax and recover more effectively.

Beyond the physical health benefits, having cleaner air throughout the house contributes to emotional and mental well-being. Reduced exposure to pollutants can lower stress levels, improve mood, and augment overall mental clarity.

Upgrading to better air purification and filtering systems isn’t just about meeting health needs. It’s a long-term investment in your property and you and your loved ones’ quality of life. You can create a healthier home that fosters happier moments and greater peace of mind for years to come.

Steps To Take for Better Indoor Air Quality

4 Long-Term Health Effects of Breathing Polluted Air

If you’re ready to make your own home a healthier space to live, here are some practical steps to help you get started.

Understand Your Current Air Quality

Use air quality monitors to assess the air quality in various parts of your home. You can then identify problem areas and prioritize improvements.

Purify Your Air

Select an air purifier sized appropriately for your space. Be sure to use an H13 HEPA filter with 99.97 percent efficiency for particulate pollution as well as an activated carbon filter for gaseous pollution for the freshest, healthiest air.

Ventilate Wisely

Open the windows when outdoor air is clean. Augment this with exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens, and consider adding heat recovery ventilators for controlled, filtered airflow.

Control Humidity

High humidity encourages mold growth. On the other hand, low humidity leads to dry air that irritates the respiratory system. Aim to maintain humidity levels between 30 and 50 percent with the help of humidifiers or dehumidifiers.

Reduce Sources of VOCs

When purchasing furniture, paints, or household supplies, choose low-VOC or natural options. Store cleaners and chemicals in sealed containers outside of living areas.

Cultivate Cleaner Air for a Healthier Household

While you can’t eliminate every environmental risk, when you combine the above steps to achieve better indoor air quality, you’ll notice a big improvement in the air you breathe and in the way your home feels.

Investing in upgrades like Smarter HEPA air purifiers is not just a response to immediate concerns but a preventive measure against the long-term health effects of breathing polluted air. By taking control of your indoor spaces, you can create a sanctuary where your family can breathe easier, live more comfortably, and enjoy better health for years to come.