Children are Most Vulnerable to Air Polllution

"The evidence is clear: all pollution has a devastating impact on children's health."
According to the World Health Organization:
- Air pollution affects neurodevelopment, leading to lower cognitive test outcomes and negatively affecting mental and motor development.
- Air pollution is damaging children's lung function, even at lower levels of exposures.
Air Purifiers in Classrooms Provide Cleaner, Safer Air

A CDC study examined COVID-19 infections in 123 elementary schools in Georgia that:
- made no changes
- started using HEPA filters
- improved ventilation by using fans and opening doors and windows
- improved ventilation and used HEPA filters
The study determined that schools that used only HEPA filters in their classrooms experienced a 41% lower COVID-19 rate compared to those that did not.
Give your students the safety they deserve by installing HEPA air purifiers in your school! Our air purifiers for classrooms will clean classroom air efficiently and quietly, without disrupting students’ learning. Show your commitment to the health and well-being of your staff and students while providing a healthier environment.
From the classroom to the gym to the cafeteria, let us customize a solution for you!
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Let's Get Started
ASHRAE recommends 4 to 6 Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) in Classrooms. Please provide your information below to customize a solution for your school.
Smarter HEPA provides more than 1,100 air purifiers in LA
Through a grant from South Coast Air Quality Management District, Smarter HEPA wrote grant applications and delivered air purifiers to 177 private schools and daycares in the Los Angeles Area. Our deliveries helped more than 10,000 kids and educators breathe clean air!