Signs It’s Time To Change Your HEPA Filter

Signs It’s Time To Change Your HEPA Filter

To keep your HEPA air purifier in good working condition for years to come, you’ll need to replace the filter regularly. No filter lasts forever—not even a HEPA filter—and periodic filter changing is necessary to maintain high air quality.

Several factors affect the lifespan of a HEPA filter, including:

  • Hours used in a day
  • Speed used
  • Outdoor air pollution levels
  • Indoor air pollution sources (cooking, cleaning, etc.)
  • Pre-filter frequently vacuumed or not

If you live in a place with a lot of pollution, a HEPA filter will capture more pollutants than it would if you lived in a place with less. This will require more frequent filter changes to keep your air purifier working efficiently.

If you’re wondering if it’s time to change your HEPA filter, look out for these signs.

Your Air Quality Monitor Detects More Particulates

The most effective and easiest way to determine when you need to replace your HEPA air purifier filter is to use an air quality monitor. These devices are also commonly called particulate counters because they read the levels of PM2.5 (particles smaller than 2.5 microns) in the air.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that your indoor PM2.5 levels never exceed 10 micrograms. If your air quality monitor detects particulate levels higher than this threshold, replace your HEPA filter with a new one.

Reduced Airflow

Is the clean air coming out of your purifier not as strong as it used to be? As the HEPA filter captures pollutants out of the air, they become trapped in the fibers of the filter. With prolonged use of the HEPA filter, the pollutants it captures can block the flow of clean air coming from the purifier. If the airflow coming from your purifier is significantly lower than normal, it’s time to change your HEPA filter.

You Run Your Purifier Frequently

How many hours a day do you let your HEPA purifier run? If you live in an area with higher pollution levels, you may use that purifier more often, and you’ll need to change your filter more frequently.

While there is no specific replacement timeline that benefits all users equally, keep that rule of thumb in mind. If you are running your purifier for several hours a day, you will need to replace it more frequently. Use visual inspections and air quality monitors to determine when your current filter has reached the end of its useful life span.

A Dirty Purifier

A change in your HEPA filter’s color does not necessarily indicate that it needs to be changed ASAP. Depending on your indoor air quality, it could turn gray after an hour of use. However, if your air purifier is visibly clogged with dust or other debris, it may be time for a filter change.

A Damaged Filter

Perform a quick visual inspection of your air purifier’s HEPA filter. Is it torn or damaged in any way? Even tiny tears or punctures can interfere with its functionality, so replace it with a fresh filter as soon as you notice the damage.

As you enjoy cleaner indoor air with the help of your HEPA air purifier, remember that no air filter is truly permanent. If you suspect that it’s time to change your HEPA filter, take a closer look at it and stay on the lookout for the above warning signs.